Saturday, January 8, 2011


well hello there! Long time no post. I've been pretty MIA lately finishing up the semester. With exams next week, I'm looking forward to a fresh start. No better time than now! Looks I'm loving this month?

Glitter TOMS!

They are super comfortable, and lightweight. They look great with almost every outfit. I'm in love with them!
You can purchase them here

I'm also loving these Chloe boots. Too bad they're over $900! Oh well, I can dream can't I?

I guess you could say I'm a shoe person. :)

The month definitely isn't over yet though, so I'm sure I'll find plenty of things to love! I'm going to do my best to update my blog regularly this year, even though I'm starting January 8th. haha.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Christmas Card 2010

Scrapbook Style Sage Christmas Card
Shop for elegant Christmas photo cards.
View the entire collection of cards.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Christmas Cards

So by now, I'm sure many of you have heard of the Shutterfly offer for 50 free Holiday cards to bloggers. I'm so excited! There are so many to choose from! I love many of them but I'll show you a few of my favorites.

I love them! I think they're so adorable.
The one's I like all have a pretty unique flare. Shutterfly is so good at creating awesome cards. I'm so happy about this promotion. It's usually a hassle to get out Christmas cards, but come on, 50 FREE cards!? How could you pass this down? A lot has changed for me in 2010 and I'm so excited to share it with these new cards. I think my favorite one is one with the pinkish snowflake band. I think it's such a special card. I can not wait to share this with all my family and friends this year. I'm so grateful for this oppertunity!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


So I get that technology is popular. But what good is it if people don't know how to use it????it drives me insane when people don't do things correctly, and then get mad when people try to help them. It is absolutely ridiculous.

Ps. I'm typing this from an Ipad :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

Eminem - Love The Way You Lie ft. Rihanna

Does Rhianna Look fan-freaking-tastic to you in this vid?

I think she looks amazing!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Maxi Dresses

A trend that is often worn in the summer and I have seen practically everywhere recently is the Maxi dress style. Here are a couple of example:

Some cheaper alternatives to the ones above are:

This dress is by ModCloth and retails for $54.99 and is available here

This dress is by Liquorish and retails for $50.73. It is available here

One last option is a little more expensive at $93.00, but is absolutely adorable. You can purchase it here.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

TJ Maxx and other Randomness.

Lately, my biggest obsession has been TJ Maxx. I love it. They have great brands and fantastic prices. (plus it helps that we just got a brand new store :) ). I recently got an American Eagle bathing suit, as well as a Speedo swimsuit for $32.00. That's a bargain if you ask me.

Testing is STUPID. Administration wastes weeks going over End of Grade testing when it could be done it 4 days tops.

Has anyone been keeping up with the Real Housewives of NYC drama?!?!? Sheesh. Kelly is CRAZY! I adore Bethenny and it makes me so angry to watch Kelly constantly on her back. I know, I take it personally, however, these girls are like close friends to me. After all I do spend an hour of my time every week participating in their lives. No?

What about Real Housewives of NJ? Danielle, honey, sometimes you just have to let go! Seriously, stop complaining about having to pay your bills and GET A JOB! her poor children. Danielle has a great body, now don't get me wrong, but does it not seem that she is trying to hard to fit in with girls her daughters age??

And last but not least, Bachelorette starts Monday night. I love Ali, however it already seems that ABC has signed her over to the fakeness.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Silly Bandz

There are these new bracelets that a lot of people at my school have begun wearing. I have looked for them, but i can't find them They're called Silly Bandz??

I have found Sillybands and have since become obsessed with them! I know have over 80 of them!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter Everyone! Please remember the real reason why we celebrate Easter. It's so easy to get caught up in the candy, the bunny, the eggs, the events, the planning. All in all remember that our risen savior is the real reason for Easter.

"He lives, he lives, Christ Jesus lives today! He walks with me and talks with me along this narrow way! He lives he lives Salvation to impart! You ask me how I know He lives? He lives within my heart. "

Happy Easter!!